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going festival tommorrow

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mirela | 22:50 Thu 24th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
updated we paid money and got the tickets emailed to us for the kiting fesitval weekend, i got exited now.

but i gonna take my drive test tommorrow before we set off tho, please pray for me xxx


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good luck with that mirela!, just imagine your giving the examiner a lift home and he is giving you directions, it can take the stress away a bit
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thanks cazz, i will do another 2 hours lessons tommorrow in the morning before test, i drove car to kerb today during my lesson,agrrrrrrrr
Good luck with the test Mirela! I took mine 4 years ago, and I remember completely crapping myself! lol you'll be fine though. People generally think themselves to be worse than they really are. xxx

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