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Police speed vans

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angel-cake | 10:41 Mon 28th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Do they take photos for speeding offences, or do they pull you over if they catch you?


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Just take photos I think
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Oh. Guess im in trouble then!
First I knew of it when I got done ,was a fixed penalty notice through the door,
marvelous, 52 years driving an then gotmy first points on my licence,
If you were breaking the speed limit, you will get a NIP in the post in the next 14 days. If they exceed 14 days can sometimes dispute the fine.

I have been sticking to the speed limit or just under since for a while now. Now get average of 45MPG !!!

In my younger days ...well I amazed I'm still alive...
My record was 136mph ....If I had got stopped they would have thrown away the key I think. This was over 20 years ago however.
both , most of the time they just send you a NIP in the post its easy money for them

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Police speed vans

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