Thanks for that EngTeach... While I wouldn't consider myself fluent in Tse-Tseheseten, especially when I'm around the older speakers who still retain the pronunciation used by The People 200years ago or so... in fact, though they are polite in the extreme to me, they smile behind thier hand and softly say n�ohk�s�a'on�'se�mep�h�vets�h�sto'an�he... "he doesn't pronounce Cheyenne very well.."
One of my favorite Cheyenne idioms is the name for the month of January... He'konenee�e'he, literally Moon of the Hard Faces and when you think about it, here in the western U.S. that's very descriptive. In early May a very unique type of plant, found only in a few western areas is called Cheat Grass... because it looks quite like grass, but animals won't eat it. It grows quickly and early on it has a very red coloration, especially when seen in the early morning... The People call May, lierally Matse'omee�e'he... Moon of the Red Grass Up...