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I cannot get on to cb

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dustypuss | 20:29 Tue 29th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
i just keep getting threads I'm involved in ? help


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click on''most recent' and it will sort the order again for you
...................I've had some of this myself dusty...............this site is an absolute dog.............after all this time, I guess this is as good as it gets!!!

...............I have managed to get around it by clicking on a category that I don't want..............then clicking works for me...........................but don't hold your breath LOL
hi Builder, gawd thats the long way 'round
.........hi're right................but occasionally it's the only way I can do it........... :o)
fair do's, the site is often a wonky donkey
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wheel where is most recent
bilder remember me (I'm your best mate)
when youve been viewing the threads youre involved in and want to go back to CB,
click on ChatterBank
then Most Recent (it will be in the band above all the posts)
.......and you're still my besht mate..............dusty LOL

Weeal's right (she usually is LOL)..........I've just tried what she said..........and it worked OK.........................I think I was getting confused over a different problem :o(((
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best mate till death
Far back as I can recall, I've always had that problem. I've discovered the quickest solution is to sign out, then on again.
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figer problem solved by weeal
thank you any way
that what ab is all about
Have you been looking at your profile? i always find I have to click on to any other topic,then CB...otherwise all I see are my own threads.

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I cannot get on to cb

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