Lastnight there was a huge spider in my bath. I get them alot during summer but where do they come from do come up plughole or have the climbed up and accidently fallen in?
Funny, you should be talking about spiders.
When I got into bed last night, lying there, there was a spider on a long thread working it's way down from the ceiling and was just inches away from my face!!!
I screamed, picked up me slipper and was whacking away!!
After that I carefully inspected the ceiling in case any more came abseiling down!!!!
4get - I hate the bl00dy things, if my cat is about he gets them for me though.
You can try putting conkers on your windowsills or just wiping the window and door frames with conker or walnut oil. It (apparently) puts them off. I shall be trying it this year.
aww I never kill spiders thats so mean!! I always have a look at them to see if their male or female - I think that's the only thing I learnt in my 1st year of uni!!
SKA - whilst I have the utmost respect for anyone that can co-exist with the hairy barstewards, I myself feel physically sick when I see one. The choice is normally between disposing of said arachnid or moving house.
I have had conkers on the windowsills since last season and haven't had any spiders since - absolutely amazing! I used to get humungous things about the size of a labrador dog! slight exageration, maybe more the size of a puppy - but not as cute!
Call me a big softy but as much as I hate spiders I can't bring myself to kill them. For instance, if I see one in the bath and he seems to be having trouble climbing the slippery surface of the tub, I'll put a trail of toilet paper leading from the bath to the floor so that he has something to grip onto and can climb out. It can be a bit of a pain if you're waiting to have a bath.
i'm soooo scared of the things but you can't kill them, they're the good guys! i just vacate the house or room till they go into hiding. i might a right tw@t of myself at lunch time other day when a spider landed on the table opposite me, i ended up on the window ledge till the barman took pity on me