Not sure if this is the right place, if i were to wear a bike helmet and walk into a shop/ bank i would be asked to remove my helmet so the security cameras could see what i looked like but if a female were to wear a niqab and she walked into a shop/bank they wouldnt be asked to remove the niqab, surely its a contradiction No,
DC_FC have you uncovered a hidden burqa crimewave hitting our streets?
I dislike the veil intensely, I do find it offensive (I find it offensive when women walk around with their knickers hanging out) but if that is how they wish to express themselves then who am I to argue?
I've not had many dealings with veiled women, but what few I have, have been done in polite and amicable manner.
I fear this question is not Premier League R&S and should be relegated to C.B where your Jewell may shine a little more brightly. ;-)
I'm guessing you're a Rams man.for those who don't follow footy.
If your last wasn't as a response to mine, I apologise, but if it was, I never said it was required by Islam, just culture, which are two different things.