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bobtheturkey | 21:08 Thu 01st May 2008 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
does anyone know how i can smuggle some into norn iron as we dont have any over here and i have a cunning plan


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Trench coat wtih big pockets and a newspaper with eye holes cut in to it so you can make sure no one is watching you.
Norn iron is NI? lol.

A husband and wife are driving back from their holiday in France.

Near the border they knock over a skunk on the side of the road.

Alarmed, the wife runs out the car to see if the skunk is ok. It turns out that it is fine with no cuts or broken bones.

Relieved the wife askes her husband if they can keep the skunk as they almost had killed it.

No of course not says the husband but the wife, after some time, persuaded her husband to keep him.

As they reach the boarder to cross into England, the husband tells the wife to hide the skunk.

"But where will I put him" she yells.

"Hide him in your pants, no one will be able to tell there" he replies.

"But what about the smell."

"Well," the husbands pauses, "If it dies, it dies!"
get them Polish passports it will probably be fine

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