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Are you an active person?

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Lisa1983 | 14:29 Thu 01st May 2008 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
What is your favourite sport or physical activity? (besides sex).


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Aww, I want a Wii now!
I said "natural high" twice didn't I?

Chocolaty, you want a wee?!
I do low impact exercises on my power plate and I use a resistance band for upper body strength.I am about to start a course of physiotherapy where they use pilates and yoga techniques to enhance core strength.
I just had a wii...and a poo
Only the one kind for now, Richie. :))
i'm incredibly lazy and would rather sit on my arse all day but i seem to spend all day running round like a loon, i quite like swimming though - in the sea rather than pool though
As I can't drive to work anymore, I walk home each night. Its a 4 mile trek and takes 50 mins - 1 hr.
I do Kungfu and Taichi during the week, and also teach kids kungfu
I teach kids Karate when I can't avoid it, spaced.

You have my sympathy!
its hard isnt it!!!

Teaching kids is MUCH harder than teaching adults
what style of Karate do you teach Jake?

Thursday evenings I'm often roped in to teach the 5 to 10 year old beginers with the attention span of a newt who all want to be Bruce Lee!

My Sensei just isn't doing it any more - who can blame her!

Still martial arts are a 99% drop out but every so often there's a real little diamond pop up that makes it worthwhile (nearly).

Still better than going to the gym or ploughing up and down a pool eh?
My father in law and my ex teach Aikido and my little boy will be having lessons as soon as he's old enough to get through the dojo door, I can't wait to see him in his little gi :)
Hey Lisa,

Yoga is my exercise of choice.

I am currently suffering from over doing the stomach exercises


BB xx
Hello, I am not active, and have to really push myself to do things!
I walk the dog daily, and he gets over an hour, so that's activity, I suppose. I started karate in January, but I haven't been all through April. I would like to re-start though.
I love to swim, and also to ski (although I have only been of faux-snow!) and I used to love rollerblading!
I go Belly Dancing once a week (since Aug last year).
I also enjoy Tae-Bo which I do three times a week now, bought the DVD (Billy Blanks) and it's brilliant.
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