I am going to brave the wrath of Ivorbighead,Tallulah and others and ask for some help with this quiz. No 50 . Pansy could be described as slooth. 4.2.8
I know slooth can mean idle or lazy or slow but cannot link it to a flower of 3 words. Hope someone can give me a clue
I did but Novalis beat you to it with the actual answer. I have looked up the relevent scene and shall be able to quote it if ever needed in the future !!!!!
Haha .the reason I gave you a clue is because although I could have given you the answer ..you said it all in your original post ! I am not very brave, I've crossed swords with that lot before !.....Good Luck !
Thank you Crofter for that very clear explaination .It' so easy when you see the answer Makes you want to kick yourself for being not seeing it in the first place.
Did I have a go? No!! Only when it's a quiz that I've worked hard on. Or will be working hard on when I've only just received my copy through the post.
Tallulah x
Sorry, megellan and shaneystar2 -- was full of a cold yesterday and just read the question, not the rest, before posting. In future I'll read everything in a posting.