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tamirra | 21:28 Fri 02nd May 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Ive just burnt both tops of my feet, dropped a jug of boiling gravy on them both, then rubbed them with a towel burst the blisters now its bloody painful and weeping, stupid stupid women


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arrgghhhh get them under cold water n dont rub

what a waste of gravy
GET THEM IN COLD WATER QUICKLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leave them there for at least fifteen minutes then see what the damage is. You may need to go to hospital if it's a reasonably large area or a bad burn. GET THEM IN WATER NOW!
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too late i rubbed them straight away, dont know why, just did, but wish i hadn`t.
Ooo , honey , have you got them in cool water as has already been said ? Get off to A&E though if they are blistered and very angry and sore. Bless you , poor thing xxxx
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God i could cry its so sore.
aahhhhhhhh blistered-toe
why on earth are you on computer at same time as cooking, serves you right.
Are they in water. Cold water will help ease the sting and also stop them carrying on burning below the top layers of skin, which they will do without being cooled. Fill your washing up bowl with cold water and get those feet in it, PLEASE.
i got some melted cheese on my thumb once promptly stuck my thumb in my mouth !

i took all the skin of my lip

dont we just do some stupid things at times

Aaaahhh...Poor thing! Put your feet in cold water asap, and keep changing the water when it warms up. Nothing else to it. Don't put any sort of cream or old wives remedies like butter on them, will only make them worse. If the pain is REALLY bad, and they are weeping, get to A&E. :O(
Oh, and don't be afraid to go barefoot, don't attempt to put shoes on!!!
Tamirra, you've gone quiet, so hopefully you've gone off to plunge those feet in a bowl! Do be aware that you may still need to have your feet looked at by a doctor - large burns that blister can get infected very easily, and any covering you put on will stick without the correct dressings. NHS direct will give you advice if you ring them. All the best. x
Got some aloe gel? If you have get it one ur feet. If not Germelene is good. Especialy the one with anestetic in it.
Question Author
hello again, done as im told, stinging not quite as bad, will keep a check on them tho and thank you for all your kind help. xxxxx
Sounds delicious. I like cooked toes
get some lavender oil on them, neat not diluted, it works like magic

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