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David Blunkett

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chrisn | 18:21 Fri 10th Dec 2004 | News
13 Answers

Why is it that most people in a position of some power abuse that power, and why is it that it appears to be ok when it's Labour, but called "sleaze" when it's tory? (Daily Mail readers, i would appreciate an unbiased answer thanks!)



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Yes, as usual when politicians and their respective parties are trying to score points against each other then what one calls 'an error of judgement' is deemed 'cronyism' by the other side.

Having never voted I am the last to be entitled to judge however the Labour Party appear to be as unworthy of public office as any other party, given the recent events involving Mr Blunkett, along with the Ecclestone affair, Mandehlson, Blair's property deals etc.

People in glass houses eh?

Strip away the Politico posturing and it is the same for all humans when given a bit of power; they think they are fireproof and can dish out their favours for more power and consideration, and attract a certain adulation.


How many times do we see police people commiting crimes up to and including money laundering, drug trafficking and murder? The priests taking advantage of the weak? Teachers humiliating pupils in the name of "education"? Traffic Wardens ... Shop managers ...


History is littered with the powerful from Royals to petty local officials abusing their power. So much so, that it is unusual to find one who doesn't.


Even so, I think Blunkett should go as he is no longer a trustworthy example or practitioner of truth and justice, and his reactionary and wholly unworkable pronouncements have for years been pandering to popular votes rather than addressing real issues with real solutions.


You have to admit, though - even if the inquiry finds against Blunkett, which it so far hasn't - that speeding up a visa is scarcely in the same class as popping into Harrods every Saturday to pick up your envelope stuffed with tenners!

Interesting view QM - different degrees of naughtiness......


Also, is it just because it was in a paper bag (on the basis that Bernie Eccleston donated so it went through a bank so that was okay>)?


Whats that famous line....."power corrupts...absolute power corrupts absolutley"

Rather the other way round for Eccleston. He thought that he could buy his way into influencing policy especially with regard to slowing the progress of government thinking on anti-smoking measures.


When his intentions became known, the donation was returned, and the fledgling "New Labour" administration still showed its virginal and unsullied white clothing.


Different degrees, indeed, Vic...much like nicking a paper-clip from work and slaughtering eight of your colleagues in a hail of gunfire are "different degrees of naughtiness"! Cheers.
Degrees of naughtiness - getting a few quid from Fayed, or committing mortgage fraud to the tune of hundreds of thousands of pounds. Hmmmm.
Mortgage fraud is a specific crime, Flanker. I cannot recall any politician being charged with any such thing...not even a Tory. And poor old Fayed still hasn't got a penny of the sum awarded in his favour!

Agreed - what I dislike is the whole 'one rule for them and another for everybody else'. Take the mortgage fraud - if you or I had done what this particularly odious little man did, we would have been jailed. To all intents and purposes, he got away with it (lost his ministers job temporarilly - just long enough to make it acceptable for his mate/boss give him another minstry job).


This is what I have above all else.

That should be "...this is what I hate..."
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For a 'mortgage fraud' to have been perpetrated, someone must have been defrauded. Who was that? It certainly applies to no-one - no-one at all - in the case to which you seem to refer.

we get the politicians we deserve. its best not to get to pious about it, let he without sin etc. Its a funny world we live in when abuse of power is buying your bird a train ticket and lying about WMD isn't.

The tories pressed the self destruct button towards the end with all that back to basics nonsense. you'll recall that john major's indescretion with the egg woman went unreported until he was out of office and its a good bet that some journalists knew about it at the time. Labour are still enjoying alot of support at the moment and so attacks bounce off them. Inevitably there will come a time when labour struggle and the attacks will be more damaging. We get rid of our leaders through the drip effect.



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