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What a lovely morning .....

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theonlyone | 08:00 Mon 05th May 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
the sun is out here and it's 15c ..what's it
like where you are ? Hope you all have
a good day .....


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Morning theonlyone, its pouring down here and ive got to go to work soon but im finishing early so i hope the weather will brighten up later on. Have a good bank holiday everyone.
yes it ******* down again in manchester
Morning theonlyone! Weather is gorgeous here and set to be that way all day! x
Morning, theonlyone, haukola, ontour and daffidazey all we have here is cloud but its not raining yet
Morning everyone - it's raining here and guess who left the car sunroof open overnight?! Just the day for some retail therapy
I think. Enjoy your day everyone
Morning theonlyone , have a good day yourself hun :-) xxx
Morning hau kola , daffi , tickledtrout , and bensmum :-) xxx
Hi there ontour , nice to meet you :-) x
Morning everyone

Just arrived ready for work at 11. Had a bit of a lie in this morning as my hubby has the day off.
Weather here is nice and warm but dont know how long it will last.
Have a good day anyone whos off today.
morning everyone! :-)
sunny here, so far so good

the kids are off school so we're going to spend the day with their cousin because its his 4th b'day.

may is so busy for it is on here too

hope you all have a nice day. ;-)
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morning all, its apparently 21 here in Glasgow, im stifled, going to cut the grass then pack for my week away woo hoo
It's cloudy and damp here. I wish the sun would come out. Weeal, sounds good there. Think I might move back! lol
oh bum!!!, just cut a third of the grass and the strimmer burned out, grrreat
Lol weeal , oh , at least you got half done , well done , by the time I fished my strimmer out I had run out of energy to use it. :-) xxxxxxxx
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Hi all ..thanks for the replies's 26c here ..
and I think there will be a few sunburnt
people suffering tomorrow !!! Think the 20K
bikers in Hastings are a tad hot in the
leather gear ....enjoy the rest of your day ...

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What a lovely morning .....

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