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Elvis Presley songs

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jenniwren | 15:51 Thu 01st May 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
I just need two answers to this quiz,
ex = L.M.T is Love Me Tender.

hope someone can help, I will help with any if I can. Thanks.


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Lawdy Miss Clawdy
Surely that would be L.M.C?
Hi squarebear
By looking at my quiz sheet the last letter has been penned over and it looks like a C to me . I could be wrong
Jesus Knows What I Need

cant find the other best i can do is

Lead Me Guide Me
L M C could also be 'Little more conversation'
Sorry jenni - That should be 'A little less conversation' so that's no good to you

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Elvis Presley songs

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