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Maya Angelou

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Nummy | 19:27 Mon 05th May 2008 | Arts & Literature
5 Answers
can anyone please tell me is 'Lessons in Living' another name for 'Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now'?

i've had a look on Amazon for 'Lessons in Living'..and it keeps directing me to 'Wouldn't Take Nothing'. are the one and the same?

If not, have you any idea where i could get a copy of 'Lessons in Living'?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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"Lessons in Living" is a separate book of essays to "Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now" although both were published in 1993. It is out of print so your only option is to find a secondhand copy.
does the one book have two published titles/names?

is it an academic book or a reference book? may be able to get it in a university library or a public library.

could search writers and artists yearbook 1993 to get address details of the publisher (or addresses if more than one publishing establishment) and e mail the publishing company/plc/org to see if they could be of any more assistance.
or could research printing press company/plc/org
"Curiouser and curiouser!� cried Alice.

The more you delve the less tangible "Lessons in Living" becomes. Despite the fact that the book appears to have an ISBN distinct and different to "Wouldn't Take Nothing..." most avenues of research terminate at the latter title. This fact, along with the complete lack of any reference on Maya's web site, leads me to conclude that the first title is indeed a misrepresentation of the latter.
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Thanks kempie.

I thought i was going mad as no matter how i look for "Lesson's" I end up finding "Wouldn't Take Nothing" and considering what fabulous write-ups "Lessons in Living" has, I'm surprised it's out of print.

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