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Fao bigmamma ...

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theonlyone | 16:52 Tue 06th May 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
have you been to the GP for the ok
to have the tooth out ? how's the weather
where you are ....



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Hello theonlyone , thank you for asking , bless you. I rang the gp this morning and now have blood tests booked for Thursday at 9.20am. :-) xxxxxx
The weather here is 21degrees and sunny at the moment btw :-) xxxxxx
Bloody hell, BM, why are they dragging it out so long? Can they not see you're in agony? Would you like me to have a word? :)
Oh I know helliebobs , and your poor abers must well be getting as sick of hearing about it as I am in discomfort waiting. Yesterdays bank holiday didn't help time wise either. I just hope the blood tests don't take too long to get back to the dentist so he can arrange when to get me into the hospital to do it. As it is , I get them done on Thursday , so I can't see them reaching him til after the weekend now .
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I must agree with should be
an emergency for the blood tests ..and
if you are in pain go to the hospital and you will
be sorted out straight away ...
Sorry to hear you have to wait until Thursday to have bloods taken.
After all, they are taken by a Nurse, no reason why they could not have pushed you in today as an emergency.
Think I would have gone to the Surgery and sat on the doorstep until I was seen.
Anyway, I do hope they act quickly and get this done ASAP. xx
hi big what is the matter ..did you not have tooth out at dentist last week ? sorry i have not been on ab much so have missed what happend x
Thank you cruella , I thought they could have done them today as I was on the phone just after 8 , so not too late . I did ask if there was any chance I could be seen earlier but she assured me the nurse was full til then. : How did work go sweetie ? :-) xxxxxxx
Hello sleepy , they won't do it in the surgery , they want blood tests first and want me in hospital due to my health and medications . xxxxxx
oh no big poor you .bet your really fed up hope your not in pain ..they should have you in right away to do it ...our nhs is a mess ..
Awww BM, sorry to hear you're having more medical problems hun. I don't think I was around AB when your dentist thing came up. Anyway, I hope it gets sorted soon. I'm off for a nap now as I only got 2 hours sleep last night then had to be up at 7 for work.

Catch you all later xxx
Aw mamma, what a wait for you! Grrr. Phone tomorrow, tell them you are in agony, and that if they don't do them sooner, you'll get Lisa on their case!

cruella, same q as BM (sorry BM!) how was work for you? Bet you were much missed xxx
Hi tiggerblue , and leelapops , I've at least been able to get soft non-chew foods down the last few days , I was in danger of ending up looking like Gollum !!!

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