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dustypuss | 19:45 Tue 06th May 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
typical the weather hear is lovely .I'm of to Canada to morrow and iv been looking at toronto weather forecast it only 11 c and raining for the next 14 days . its not fair


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It's called "Sod's Law". Enjoy your trip -- but leave their weather where it is!!
tiggers trying not to laugh but failing
I'm off for a little nap/siesta.

Hope you have a lovely time Dusty :-) xxx
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i can feel the cold already :-(
Have a wonderful time dustypuss , and don't worry , the weather is bound to change here :-) xxxxx
Could be worse, it could be snowing :)
Have a lovely time in Canada, Dusty!!!

See you soon!!
Dustypuss, I have to go into Toronto on Thursday so you'll probably see me: I'll be the guy heading south on Yonge St using cross-country skis:) Could you please bring me some lemon-curd? Thanks.
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stewey OK
Have a great time dusty - don't forget your pills!
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thank ribbit i wont bye bye

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