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Expensive buys that you regret

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Jillius | 16:25 Wed 07th May 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Have you ever bought anything that was really expensive and then really regretted it ??


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Yes, an engagement ring.
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Oh dear ! I presume it didn't work out. Did you get it back ??
Wow Octavius, that's mighty forward of you, I only said I had a crush on you!

Still, if the rock's as big as my knuckle i'll not complain.
yeah my car wish i kept my old 1
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yes my flat apartments

sick of keeping check on them

the rents ae no problem
its my tenants

but most are ok xxxxx

i need to evict one tho
dont want to but got to

as i dont like unsavavourys in me flats xxxxx

misspelt hings at moment due to me company the day
waiting for one more to turn up then we can have dinner x
Well B00, you know what they say, a diamond is the quickest way to a girls�. No that�s not right at all. At least not about you.

A fairly tedious story really, and one that I�ll not recite here, but suffice to say it cost me an arm, a leg and 3 fingers, and she didn�t deserve it. I did actually get it back, but before I could chop it in and buy myself something large and unimaginative, I lost it.
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Yar, my 60 ft Yacht,

wrong colour you know, damn shame.
thanks newsdesk

wrong glasses

got the right glass in me hand tho xxxxxx lol
Jillius, not sure now you ask!

I don't really buy an awful lot...Most of my 'stuff' has more sentimental value than otherwise. I once got pushed into buying some Body Shop Hydrating Puree (it's not edible!)...It was �10, which at the time was a LOT of money for me. And I was more annoyed that I had let some sales lady talk me into it, as I am never persuaded like that usually.

Hid it from the fella for days, but to be honest he wouldn't have known if it was �10 or �1!

On the other side of the coin-I recently regretted NOT buying something expensive. I just missed out on UEFA cup final tickets for Mr Pops before the price doubled, and I now can't afford them!

D'oh! x

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Expensive buys that you regret

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