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This might sound like a daft question but .........

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chappie | 00:02 Thu 08th May 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Has anyone tried to get the rules changed with the Answerbank, to enable only one username on the site - then this cloning thing that is upsetting people wouldn't happen.

On other sites, if I have been prompted to choose a username, if it has already been chosen by someone else, the system tells you to choose an alternative. Can't understand why Answerbank doesn't do the same.


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You and me both chappie -thing is that some have back up names for legit purposes -like if they overpost or something innoccuous.Its wouldnt work like that.

Think we can only hope that the spoilers stop doing it cos despite what Leg and others maintain -they will close it again.

Well reminded tho must EMail about the person who cloned me -had a busy day and forgot about it until just a wee while back.
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Thanks for reply Drisgirl.

I am surprised it hasn't yet happened to me, with a fairly common name like chappie (someone choosing it purposely, I mean, rather than someone pretending to be me just to cause trouble).

I would be fuming if someone did it on purpose, I guess the only positive thought you can have is, if the clone is causing trouble, and it is out of character for the original ABer, hopefully the rest of the ABers will realise.

Must be extremely annoying though.
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Sorry Dris, just read through your post again and notice you said something about AB being closed again.

Has it been closed down before?

Can't say I have noticed, but I have been coming and going on AB, sometimes with long inactive spells due to other commitments.
Hi chappie...I think Dris was referring to came back last year after being 'off' for a while...due ,I gather, to the antics and infighting of some on here.
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Thanks for that Pasta,

I am quite new to Chatterbank, but I can see what you mean!
chappie the clones cant actaully have the exact same name. They are getting round it by doing something with the font and the difference can be seen when you view it in HTML but on here it looks exactly the same. That means if someone appears to have exactly the same name as you, they have deliberately cloned you.
O Chappie they could make a meal out of me on here -the cloners and thing is cos I can be stroppy and nice as well lol -no-one would notice and think it was me.I have laid too much bare on here -thats my problem.

I was a bit upset last night that someone had did that to me -could do without it but hey such is life -whatever rocks their boats.

Im fine with it now but must get an Email oof in case ot changes from green lol

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Thanks very much for replies, Psychick and Drisgirl.

By the sound of it, the people who do it are very well clued up on computers - wish I knew more about computers and could come up with a solution.

There must be one - I wonder what, though? What a b*gger!
I agree completely with you all. I only come on here occassionally, mainly when I can't sleep and there's ****** all on tv, but have been riled and comforted by some very different people. I would hate to think that some aren't genuine and just cloning other's id's to make a point and pretend they're something they're not. It's quite sad, there are some really lonely people around that take comfort from people on here and also use it as a means of expressing genuine frustration about life or problems they are experiencing.

I have had some really comforting chats with guys/gals on here and would hate to think they weren't genuine.

Maybe I'm just naive......
No Wotsit -absolutely not naive -I have documented on here countless times that in my darkest hours -usually during the night I have had the most amazing support and kindness from ABers.I would be lot without them -just hoping I dont have to call on them too soon tho !!!!
Im not gonna let the cloners get me down -just caught me off guard - at yet another bad time -lol
Psychick - are you sure about that hun? the reason i ask, is because someone cloned my original username, and DOES look identical. I wasn't able to ever get it back, so had to change it slightly, to what it is now.
Changing the rules on here are you mad LOL
No - lol. The Ed told me to do it.

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