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bobtheturkey | 16:42 Thu 08th May 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
just been to one so they can draw up a clean the kitchen rota, what is the most pointless meeting you have been to?


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we regularly have meetings about meetings about meetings.... about somthing that happend so long ago no one can actualy remember what it was.

also the regular meetings (every hour) for progress reports when there is a major incident... which is all very well except it takes about 40 mins to get too and from the meetings so you cant actualy fix the bloody incident!!!!
We dread our meetings here at work, as my boss insists on having a trivia quiz at the end of each meeting.

It is like being at school!!!!
wouldn't mind the trivia quiz. We get an 'uplifting' reading at the sart of our meetings. Can you imagine 12 adults sitting round a table listening to an extract from Winnie the Pooh!
Hey bob be greatful you have a kitchen to clean at work. I hang my lunch out the window in the winter and pack a coller for the warm weather. No microwave either.

We have meetings to discuss the meeting schedule! And meetings to explaimn why we failed so many students. Someday i am goimg to respond with, "Because I felt like it!!"
Bob, we have a clean the kitchen rota! No one sticks to it and it causes much mayhem and bickering :)
I hate our weekly team meetings, no one knows when to shut up and we end up repeating ourselves several times - not fun when I have to take the minutes :(
lol Hellie! I so hate taking minutes! My job in admin last year, I had to do it....Thankfully, I had a very understanding boss, who would take a few notes too. Imagine having to take minutes in a foreign language with a room full of people.....Sometimes I just made it all up! lol
Hello marv - look out for your postman won't you? :)
I'm ok these days as I can delegate it to someone else heeheehee :)
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