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thingymajig for a DS

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DONNNAKEBAB | 19:12 Thu 08th May 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
My little girl has asked me for one of these and I havent a clue what she means. you can apparently download games from the internet with it and they cost about �50. Can anyone help me out with the name of said thingymajig.


Katie. x


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you'll be needing a 'dodgy geezer'- he'll chip the DS, charging you �50.00 then you can download to your hearts content.
The DS doesn't have a web browser as standard, so your little girl won't be able to download anything.

You'll need to purchase the browser pack first. er/dp/B000IH89W6
ahhhh, sorry.

Ouroborus- can I just ask you......Red Dwarf fan by any chance?
My mother just couldn't make up her mind what to call me. ;-)
lol,, liar- your a fellow Red Dwarf geek aren't you?
Question Author
Ouroborus. thanks for that link hun. Is this the exact thing that I need to get her. She said they were around �50 but it looks like they are only �25 on Amazon. What do you do with it and how does it work and is this what she is on about.

Thanks so much.

Katie. x
Apologies Donna- not only did I give duff info, im now attempting a conversation with someone on your thread....

I shall now behave.
You just plug the pack into the bottom slot, the one for GBA games and switch it on. You will have to have a wireless connection that you can access though.

How did you guess Boo? ;-)
thought if you got the r4 you could download games on computer then play them from a flash memory card on the DS
Because it's what was written on the box under the pool table which had a baby Lister in it.
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You are really confusing me now. Could you please explain this in laymens terms. Is it the right thing that she needs.

What do you mean by wireless connection.

Boo, behave yourself hun. This is a life and death issue for a little girls birthday. I have to get the right thing.

Thanks so much.

katie. x
I should think so as well boo now go and stand in the corner and behave yourself.

Katie try technology, someone there may be able to explain, I certainly aint got a clue.
I think that your daughter is referring to the R4 device available for the DS which allows you to (illegally) download games for free onto your computer then using a flash memory card play them on a DS

is probably clearer than trying to explain (if the guy's voice doesn't send you to sleep!!)
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Oh Lord, I dont want her doing anything illegally. Is ther anything I can get her that isnt.

Katie. x

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thingymajig for a DS

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