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Prize crossword no 555

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supersuezy24 | 17:02 Sun 11th May 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
3d: Eat long unusual hybrid fruit? : T?n?e?o
7d: Blocked, Closed (6,2): ??u?e? up
11d: Decorate elaborately: ?e?t?o?

Any help much appreciated.


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11d festoon
3 tangelo ?
tangelo ?
can only come up with fouled up for your 7d, but don't really think it's right
for 13a I have rice diet which means festoon would
not fit in, am I wrong?
the letters I have for 7d b?e?i? up
ah have got 13a (thanks to redcrx on Body & Soul
site) Beri Beri.

hope this can be of help,

I'm still struggling with this one, any help would
be appreciated.

Thanking you

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Prize crossword no 555

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