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60 Minute Makeover!!!!!

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Rtaxron | 15:44 Wed 14th May 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
OMG. That black and white wallpaper!!!!!
Imagine coming home to that?


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Im usually at work when thats on but the few times Ive seen it I would have gone spare if I had come home to any of em lol
I had to go and have a look lol

Its...ummm....a little over bearing???

Especially for such a tiny room, my boxroom is bigger than that! lol
Just switched on to see. Hideous, makes the room seem tiny.
I've stopped watching any programmes like this because I realised that I was saying 'Oh that's a nice room' and apparently it was in drastic need of a makeover. Same with Location, Location, etc. Mr. yogasun and I would think the rooms were marvellous and according to the presenters and would- be purchasers these rooms were in dire need of decoration, modernisation and generally updating.
I think these days people are never satisfied.
I wouldn't let a makeover team anywhere near my house!!
The number of times I have seen the householders in tears because of the makeover they've been given.

you cant win with these shows, if you have laminate they all moan that it needs to be warm and carpet is in fashion now, if you have carpet you get the ugh!!! laminate is so clean and light.

same goes for grass v decking

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60 Minute Makeover!!!!!

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