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leyenda | 02:05 Fri 16th May 2008 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
id like lots of money.
anyone got any going spare as im a bit strapped at the moment anbd could do with a spot of free spends

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i don't blame you hun. Who was on at the time, apart from those of us with an ounce of humour? Do you know who did it, or why it happened?
Leyenda, I have a massage for you in Spanish: Sombrero padre siesta. Taco chi-wawa tia Maria. Chica caliente y dos cerveza y cola...............Gratias, Senor.
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i dunno why
got a txt today askin was i banned as all my post were gone

mind you so are dramakebabs

but think its back as johnny rotten .
tho thats away too

whatever trever

i had a spare leyenda gathering dust

dib dib dob

be prepared eh ??

: )

You can't keep a good man down eh!
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caya de puta

as i posted to a female member here from majorca

if the shoe fits

Baffled and disgruntled face.
Did the ed have a major clearout or something???
I've realised certain folks enjoys taking the ***** off Legs, and like to rile him up. If only he could ignore them, they would then feel stupid and eventually leave him alone.
This is true - but leggy can more than hold his own...I
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fig roll
im warming to you

do you wanna elope to the sun??



is there a mr figs ?

and will i be expected to bump him off if there is one and you do wanna go to the sun ?
even tho this is just hypothetical and you will say no anyways but im just checking to be sure .

did that help????
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thats my only offer

hold my own

sniff sniff
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i know

What, hun? did I say something wrong????
I'm getting lost here tonight...who's the beeeeetchh?
gasp! He...he means ME!!!!!!!! Sobs........
Well-you can't be the f**ker......I am the one and only! So you are rich beeeeeeeeeeetch-lol
No - I'm the mare!!! ROFL.

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