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bensmum | 07:00 Fri 16th May 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Come on - wake up you lot!
Dark and cold here again so i would rather be in bed still but have to be out and about soon. Have a great day everyone


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You beat me to it, I was just about to post when I saw yours, bensmum! x
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Morning daffi - sorry. I haven't got any ironing left to do so I'm messing about on the computer instead!
Neither have I. I even went through the kids draws yesterday, making sure there wasn't anything else to iron. I don't want to iron for at least another week! Lol! Although I will have Mr daffi's work stuff to wash and iron when he comes home, but that is only because I like doing it for him! I want to try and persuade him that going on holiday is a good idea! We were sort of takling about maybe going sometime as my kids have never been on a plane and I haven't been since I was 17, I have now found the holiday I want to go on! Lol x
hi bensmum.B M ,daffi and all who follow-another nice start here -ironing ?whats that then
Ironing at the break of day !!! A bit cooler today
but still dry ...have a good day ....
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Morning beejay and theonlyone.
Do you believe in the ironing fairies then beejay? They come when you're asleep and the clothes are magically pressed for you!
Yes it's very grey here theonlyone - back to winter clothes!
Have that holiday daffi - everyone needs a break. I do at the moment as we are so full-on at work and I'm pretty tired. No light at the end of the tunnel though
Bigmamma must be having a lie in today
Morning all, its pouring down here but at least its friday.
Hi bensmum and all.

All ironing was done yesterday (although I dont liken myself to a fairy!!)

Bensmum - what job do you do that gets you up soooooo early?!
Think he will be easy to persuade, bensmum. We are of to Haven in July, but we did say we would look into going abroad at some point, well I have just looked into it quite deeply! Lol! I have my own company and was working fairly flat out at home, but found a lot of work was generated in the evening time and that was when I didn't want to work, so have wound down on that job now, we don't need me to earn loads so am going back to painting and gonna start with Avon, I think. There is no one round here that does it at the mo. x
Morning Bensmum and all

A bit grey here in Yorkshire. Ive loads of various greetings cards to buy today. Ive 3 people having operations, 4 birthdays and 1 anniversary in the next 2 weeks. Costs a fortune to buy and send them all doesnt it
Have a good day
Good morning ABers
It's cool and damp in Northampton, typical British spring day, I can't wait till summer,

the rain should be slightly warmer :-))
Wheres Bigmamma this morning.? Wasnt she taking dog to the vets yesterday ? Hope everything is ok.
I think bigmamma has the dentist today, not sure when though. Hope all is ok x
Morning all, god you are so cheerful at that time of the morning.

I am not a morning person until I have had a coffee or two.

A horrible day here, grey, dank and chilly.

Where's the sun gone???

Have a nice day folks,

Funny XXXX
Morning everyone, dont you just hate it when you get a bit of egg shell in your mcmuffin. :(
morning everyone, cold here too. im at work now, feel sooo sleepy though.... have a nice weekend xxxx
top of the morning campers. Cool and cloudy but no rain in leafy London
Bloody wet here in Cambridgeshire now! We got soaked on the school run and the dog is now emitting a horrible 'wet dog' odour! x
Morning bensmum , a dull day here too , I had a sleep in today and have only just got up !!!!
Morning daffi , beejay , theonlyone , hau kola , sally , burston , 4GS , funnygirl , 4get , mirela , and spaced:-)
I am helping my 83 yr old stepfather to buy a LCD tv today , to bring him into the digital age.

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Morning all

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