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been for a tom t1t

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leyenda | 21:05 Fri 16th May 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
well ive been for a tom t1t.
he said he was goin off .
but hes still here .

why ?

more drama ?

too much for me .

the excitements killin me .

almost as gripping as the excrement .

see ya .

did this help???


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You are the most incessant bore ever to have infested this site or many others. You are dull. You are not funny, just DULL.

Keep on posting though, in the blind belief that people are lolling. You are dullness personified, and I hope this helped.
attention seeking child
-- answer removed --
you still hanging with that girly name :D
I have to deal with the damp spot, see you later.
how do you deal with a damp spot whiff?
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz what an a/hole.
Hope you wiped your ass

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been for a tom t1t

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