Juast tried to contact doglost about a dog that has folloqwed my friend home very friendly lab x entire dog with collar byt no tags Any ideas any other website
she has phoned the police they have given her the dog wardens number - no answer- the local dog rescue - answer service. Both her and husband work full time and have never had a dog but she doesn't want to turn it out on the street in case it gets run over. I can't help as we have 11 month old mad lab pup She has just phoned to say she is taking it a work to see if someone recognises it Lets hope
If your friend takes the dog to her local vets they can scan it for a micro chip - instant (well nearly) reunion. Or lots of contacts & information on what to do with 'found' dogs. If she's really lucky they will take care of it from there especially if she explains how unsuitable her circumstances are for long term dog care. Good luck.
This problem occurred at 8 o'clock at night so no vets open no dog warden etc They opened the door to take it for a walk round and it ran off and has not returned since