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woo-hoo! It's Apprentice night!!

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crisgal | 18:35 Wed 14th May 2008 | Reality TV
5 Answers
as you can tell I don't get out much.

If it wasn't for Emmerdale, i wouldn't get any fresh air at all!



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It is also a TV footie night!

It's really uncomfortable to watch as they are all so pushy!!
i just watched watched the footy but i love the apprentice

what a bunch of up their own arses arsholes they are.
I don�t like the apprentice they run around like headless chickens doing whatever that Sugar bloke wants them to � where has pride and dignity gone?!?!?
I'm going to be watching DVDs tonight!!
I really don't like it. It makes me angry because I wouldn't give any of them a job, let alone a job at �100,00 pa. If these are typical of business people of the future then I give up.

Some of them have no more sense than a ten year old about what goes on in the world and yes they are so 'up themselves'.

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woo-hoo! It's Apprentice night!!

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