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United won !!

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PatriciaH | 23:35 Wed 21st May 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
And i dont even like football.... him indoors is running around the room


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pish final

but there you go
Ahhh I figured as I can hear shouting and singing outside haha.
I had all my bleeding bets covered and they would have mad me hunners -except I was minute too late -******** -just as well i havd plastered my predictions all over the board -o I am seek.

I hate Man U but knew they would do it -o **** !!
Gutted, im really effing gutted.

Pish final my arse!
has there been a football match
Hiya PatH I don't really follow football but I'm so pleased Man U won as my son is an avid fan and I know he would be so miserable if they had lost. Trouble is my favourite son in law is a Liverpool supporter and he would have been shouting for Chelsea, but never mind eh UP THE REDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
they only won cos he slipped
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And theyl all go on a luxury holiday now to chill out and relax.......mmmm
Really close match though.

Could have gone either way.
I don't mind who won really.I'm neutral.
MY little lad tried staying awake, but after a long day anyway even his excitement couldn't keep him up. I'm dreading breaking the news to him in the morning.
Isn't that a bit obvious?

"could have gone either way".......?


errr, sorry
I`m over the moon. I struggled to watch the penalties, my stomach was in knots.
I could tell they won by all the fireworks outside!!
Blimey SKA, are you in Moscow then?
lol I'm in manchester
ahh so too much money beat too much money.... I'm so glad
Not the best game I've ever watched, but I was pleased Man Utd won because they play a less boring brand of football than Chelsea ... who doesn't??.
Just down the road from me then SKA, ie Brighton.

Where half the population actually seem to support Man Utd.

Not me, of course (come on you Seagulls).

Glad they beat Chelski, though.

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United won !!

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