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Eve | 13:15 Fri 23rd May 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Are you a hoarder, what do you hoard?

T'other half seems to have a thing about keeping carrier bags and boxes and we have loads cluttering up the spare room.

Do you have clearouts and take old clothes or ones that don't fit or you don't wear to charity shops and such?


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I dont hoard pointless stuff like ornaments or old clothes but I do keep old letters and memory boxes.
I like nothing better than having a clear out. I never hoard! Makes me feel good to chuck out a load of rubbish that I have accumilated!
No, I don't hoard.

For the simple reason, I've got nowhere to put my hoards!!
My house is very small!
My mother hoards and as a result there are two rooms in this house that are more or less unusable because of her crap. I'm convinced that if she wasn't married the house would be full of rubbish and she'd live in a shed in the garden. Her excuse is they're selling my step dads house so she's had to bring it all out in order to sort through it. I've yet to see this happen and she said it about a month a go.

Personally I can't stand it. If you haven't opened a box in the last two years then you don't need to go through it, chances are, you don't nee whatever is in there.

As someone who moves house fairly regularly, (not an intention but a definite trend in the last five years) I travel very light and anything I don't need gets chucked.
I'm horrendously clean and tidy, but my drawers are full of stuff that I might need again (but never do). I'm trying to lose weight at the moment and I've vowed that when I've lost what I need to, I will have a clear out of everything and give away all my clothes. :)
It's not hoarding, it's "collecting" and I collected books until having put a small bookshelf up in the small room next to the loo I realised that things had maybe got out of control.

Now I have a rule, that more items leave the house everyday than enter it.

Books, CDs, DVD's and shoes are exempt from the hoarding category Whiffey as you can buy devices to get them off the floor and a home to go to.

When I say hoarding I really do mean utterly useless things. Old wrapping paper and cards spring immediately to mind as I look to my right.
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Collections can be different though, I have loads of books.

I had a massive clear out when I moved in with t'other half. Was quite amazed at the mount of stuff I ended up giving to charity and it made me feel really good thinking it was helping others.

Clothes was the best bit, had some hillarious fashion shows with t'other half to decide what to get rid of.

One of my worse was personal info, bank statements etc... but bought a shredder now so got rid of loads.

I'm a beggar for buying beauty products and toiletries and wanting to use them without finishing what I have.
eBay has been my saviour! I've flogged loads of stuff I've hoarded on there - even useless cr@p (sold a conker I picked up off Jim Morrison's grave in Paris for a tenner!).

I'm terrible for hoarding, but now I have a system - when I clear out I have three bin bags next to me: One for eBay, one for charity and the rest to go in the bin.

If only I could stop collecting cr@p in the first place I wouldn't have to go to all this trouble!
I sneak out the horded stuff out of the house gradually
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T'other half likes to keep boxes for electrical stuff (he has expensive tastes whereas I'm more of a "if works and is cheap from Asda it does for me" kinda girl.

He said it's for whenever we move though we have a box mountain now in the spare room haha :)

Still managed to get rid of the big TV box which took up half the kitchen in his old place bless him.
my gf hords bits of coloured paper god only knows how many items of clothing and well over 100 pairs of shoes as well as chocolate i could turn this in to an essay so i will stop now.

i hord games... dvd's bits of electronic equipment and good old plastic bags... oh and not to forge tinned food (for the comming appolypse... shame i keep eating it when im board)
I hoard all those useless bits of wrapping paper, old cds, bits of ribbon - almost anything in fact. It all comes in usefulf for Brownies. If not for something specific, I take a huge bag full of rubbish in & get them to make something - I might give a theme such as the loch ness monster, or leave it up to them. Then they get to take it home at the end of the evening. So their parents will have more junk!

If anyone can come up with some craft that uses those plastic balls you get on the top of Persil I'd be grateful - I have hundreds of them!!!
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You could cover them in papier mache to make little holder things.

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