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How much electricity does a computer use?

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newbie | 08:53 Fri 23rd May 2008 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
Having just received a massive increase in my electricity bill I am trying to see where (if at all) we have increased consumption. The only thing different is we have 3 computers, 2 of which are on all day. Would this make a significant difference?


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Not that much to make a huge difference. As the fuel prices have increased so has the cost of electricity.

The sensible consumers were those who arranged a fixed price contract last year to keep their then current prices until the year 2009/2010. This will give them some breathing space until then when prices will increase dramatically.
Check your bill with previous bills - are you USING more electricity?

The news has been reporting massive hikes in electricity prices over the last few months, and most people are paying a lot more,without using more.
Hello newbie , I was shocked the other day when they more than doubled my DD for electricity. x
Hello Ethel , nice to see you back and out of the dungeon hun :-) xxx
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Thanks for your comments. I definately am using no more than this time last year except for the computers. My DD has doubled too and British Gas cannot tell me why this is unless I am using more! I know that they have hiked up their prices and I am going to shop around but I do feel all service providers are much of a muchness anyway.
You need to look at your electricity bill from 12 months ago and your most recent electricity bill.

How many more units are you using?
according to an answer on Yahoo, a computor uses 0.16 of a unit in 1 hour.

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How much electricity does a computer use?

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