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Everybody love cake!!!

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Zammo | 13:50 Sat 24th May 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
An Italian pensioner ended up in hospital after a fight with another man over who would get the last piece of cake at an all-you-can-eat buffet. The guy called Niccolo Bruno thought yummy cake, I'll be having some of that and then right out of nowhere 62 year old Alfredo stabbed his knife into him at the food counter of a restaurant�.that is slightly extreme, all for a bit of cake! What's the silliest thing you've ever fought for? Of fought over?


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Hang on, who says it' silly to fight over cake???

I'd fight you all for a slice or three of cake, and i'd win. Survival of the fittest you know!!
Lol @ BOO , I did think of you sweetie when I saw the mention of cake :-D xxxxxx
Hi Zammo :-) xxx
Boo - whether I'm on here or not and the word cake is said or it's a real cake, you ALWAYS come to mind. lol

Im beginning to think you all think i'm obsessed with cakes, and it really couldnt be further from the truth.

Where's the cake then ??
Oh I see BOO got here first again!
Question Author
Hi bigmamma. :) Yeah BOO made me laugh....i probably would fight over cake myself, saying that it would depend what kind of cake we were fighting over
I'm torn between a French horn and a Swiss roll x
If it was fugde brownie or victoria, I'd do time!!!
any more Rude Cake posts ?
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Everybody love cake!!!

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