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How in the heck.....?

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styley | 15:05 Sat 24th May 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
This is an image of a woman spinning around, but she seems to spin both clockwise and anticlockwise. Is this someone taking the pee, or is ones brain mashed. Check it out /


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I can only see it spinning clockwise, which apparently means I'm a right brained person.
Me too yingyang.
I can only see it going anti-clockwise!
anti-clock wise for me too!!!
I see the woman spinning clockwise and then she changes to anti-clockwise and then back to clockwise and so on. What does that mean?
just clockwise
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Hey styley,

Ive seen this before

she goes both ways for me


Happy daze

Bb xx
the list they provide of left right hemisphere specialization is bollox.
NB: if you move your face all the way to the left of your monitor, the image there enters your left visual field, and is therefor processed by the right of your brain. If someone with epilepsy had their brain cut 'in two' as some do, they would not even be able to call it a woman until they moved their head to the right of the monitor.
Anyway, I don't get how that image can be seen in two ways. Am I missing something? I thought men had brains in their testicles anyway.
clockwise only

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How in the heck.....?

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