Lol Lankeela! Ive been told that rosemary and thyme enhance the flavour of a roasted chick - but as i dont eat chicken, i just take people's word for that!
Personally I love to softly boil a freshly laid chick egg, make up a load of toastie soldiers and have a good dunking session!! Bliss!!!
Please don't use any chemicals with poultry.They will eat the slug pellets and die.My chickens eat the slugs and snails so i have never need to use pellets.
A good site for poultry keepers is
Hello Oxford and welcome to AB.
You must excuse some of the ******* who make brainless remarks about a perfecltly sensible question. Some of 'em actually have orgasms whilst they compose thier crass answers.
You should avoid useng granular weed and feed and use liquid. but hens know what they like and I doubt if they would consume more than one granule of fert' or more than one slug pellet and they won't die if they do.
Do KILL all slugs and snails with pellets and don't take a blind bit of notice of these psuedo conservationalists who encourage you to use a "green" way of getting rid of 'em.
Do have a look at the link "rexy" has posted