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It's a hard quiz

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doogied | 16:34 Fri 09th May 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
27 Answers
1. A sandstorm(6)
Answer begins with H,A,R or D please.


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Got 85 as well just to get the Peter Alliss one now .Help please !
sorry doogied i was off having my tea. no62 is Alliss in wonderland.
I have :
No 62 - ''Alliss in Wonderland''
No 58 - hitting across The Line
But am also stuck ion 75, 81, 85, 89.
Any clues??
I have -
no 62 : Alliss in Wonderland
no 58 : Hitting Across the Line

Am also stuck on 44, 75, 81, 85. Any clues please.
I have :
no 62 : Alliss in Wonderland - not sure where I found this but can't seem to find again!
Hope this helps.
Question Author
Hi lady'smum, so pleased that I can be of help to someone because I get a lot of help from this site.
44 Renaissance
75 Dog watch
81 Rotterdam
85 Rowing.
many thanks doggied,
Can't believe I missed rowing!
I've also had a lot of help from the site without asking questions as they've already been asked.

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