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Good morning

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bensmum | 07:20 Wed 28th May 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Back to work today. And yes beejay it is dull and raining down here yet again!
Have a good day everyone


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mornin bensma--nice start here teehee--out in the fresh air/sunshine for me again today im afraid
Morning bensmum and beejay.
Not very nice here this morning.
Work as usual.
Hope everyone has a good day.
oh dear we might be getting rain this afternoon---so the weatherman says
Morning all ...dull here today but warm ...
after rain and thunder last night ...
have a good day....
Question Author
Perhaps we should post this in Weather!
I'm off to work now but I'd much rather have another day off. It's daft really because I have loads of leave to use up but we are too busy and short-staffed at present for me to take it. Still, should improve in a few weeks.
Good morning bensmum and all,

Hope you had a good B day ;0))))

Weather is dull, wet and grey today :0((((

Raining hard up in Manchester. Off for a barium meal shortly...urgh!

Got the rest of the day off after though :)
Morning, it's pouring down here, but can't complain as it hasn't rained for weeks!
Am knackered was woken up by that big thunderstorm lastnight. But morning :-)
hi we had a lot off thunder and lightning and rain in the night ...just hope the sun comes out today ..:)
Good morning all, have great day everybody,

Good luck jenna, great to see your name back on here more,please don't go missing again. xx
Morning bensmum , no thunderstorm here , just rain , I want a good thunderstorm !
Hi beejay , cruella , theonlyone , andrea , Lakitu , 4get , sleepy , and ray , hope you are all well :-)
Hello jenna , good luck with the barium meal honey , drink it all up like a good girl :-)
morning everyone, its bucketing down in birmingham, they have promised us thunder as well!
Are you still camping sleepy?
Goodluck with the barium meal today jenna, I willl be thinking of you!
Question Author
Nice to see you all - we didn't get the thunder!
Good luck today Jenna - will be thinking about you
Morning all,

Very damp as it has been raining through the night.

But it is still warm, humid!!

Enjoy your day,

Funny XXXX
Morning all, its pouring down here again.
Just had a message from beejay to say that it's now raining in Norn Iron... esp for bensmum...
And, Bear, if you're reading this later - serves you right for flirting! And not being around last night when I nearly committed double murder.....
hi bensma--we did get/still are getting rain in the afternoon----apparently the afternoon is the time when some AB'ers surface and then post on the 'good morning' thread---struth!!!

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