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Message for smouse

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Mamyalynne | 16:57 Thu 29th May 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
smouse i tend to agree with your point of view here, I wouldnt have been quite so quick to try to help(not that i did i think LOL) if Ihad known I tend mainly to seek help with my sunday crosswords that have a deadline for posting.
Without knowing the closing dates is a dilemma now whether to reply or not??


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Thats fine I wasnt getting at you
and I had been dusting and it makes me grumpy - lol
but new shoots has been going for ages now and you get there eventually and obviously some people, myself included sometimes, will need help it was just with 10 from on Aber and 3 from another and so early seemed a bit soon

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pack yer duster up and carry on quizzing, didnt take it personally agree with your points tbh


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