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MiniN | 17:05 Thu 29th May 2008 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
When was the last time you did something truly spontaneous and what was it?


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oh no thats my biggest phobia - spontaneous human combustion
in all seriousness, mine was last week. I thought I would book a 2 week holiday to Southern Italy for myself, wife and baby, so that all my family could meet baby Spaced.

Came into work, booked 2 weeks off....
Having my long hair cut ..mrtoo was in
shop having a haircut I asked one
of the girls in the ladies section can you
fit me in ....45mins later ...a new me ...
Aww, spaced, that's so nice

(wipes away little tear of emotion)
I'm very spontaneous, usually results in a dramatic hair change colour or cutting my hair off from very long to very short, getting tattoo, putting house up for sale!

Never anything i've regreted though!

Just entered a competition to name a bar ! Prize - Bottle of champagne every week for a year!
On the way home from work, popped into the local wine merchants for a bottle of vino collapso. I almost nearly never do that of an evening LOL
Joggerjane - you are incorrigible - but in a good way...!
Aww, thanks hippyhoppy xx
... ps. that's Jayne with a "y" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My parents were ...

a) Stupid
b) Illiterate
c) Cruel, or
d) Dyxselsic
oops - soz...

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