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If you were given the oppoortunity to take 3 months

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Lisa1983 | 11:10 Mon 02nd Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
off work, with no financial repercussion, would you take it? What would you do to pass the time?


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Hell yeah!

I'd spend the 3 months finishing re-decorating my home, going on holiday and volunteering at the RSPCA.
I'd go on a long holiday!!
Question Author
decorating Lakitu, my pet hate. wouldn't it be great to get someone in to do it for you
Yes.... would use the time to find a better job! He He!
Yep definately.

I would: -

A. Find a better job
B. Finish decorating the house
C. more importantly, spend as much time with my daughter!
Nah, I love doing it, I like the sense of achievement when it's done. I'll turn my hand to anything except gas and electricity :)
as long as work was fine in my absence then id take it as maternity leave
A long holiday for me!!!
Id spend a month travelling in america and the other 2 months in scotland catching up with little leg .
Work full time at my second job, get some much needed money.
probably go travelling
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Lisa, are you crazy!! why would you not take it? i'd go travelling for 3 months again. why not use the time to totally change your life, change anything you don't like, (eg your job, house, husband) lol

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If you were given the oppoortunity to take 3 months

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