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Silly Billy

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Zammo | 16:59 Tue 03rd Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
What is the silliest thing you've fought or argued over?


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Mr O built a new mantlepiece over the fire& I banged my head on it. In my concussed state I shouted at him that it was his fault.
Well he built it
I argued with my cat over my bed.

I sleep in the cat basket now :-(
LOL me and my ex (who incidentally could row over absolutely nothing) Once had a big row in the town centre over who was gonna hold a bag of mushrooms we'd just bought! Oh what fun! LOL Should have known then how it was gonna go really!
How to measure a bra size...
That was the argument that broke my r'ship up!
With an ex who insisted I should put flour in instant gravy as his mother puts flour in her gravy.....unfortunately his mother wasn't using Bisto so I said he could try putting flour in it and see how far he got.

Coming from the man who tried to cook his fish fingers in lime cordial thinking it was oil...!!!
cheese ! my ex ate it all before I got to the fridge and I rarely got any tho he didnt buy it

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Silly Billy

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