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tomato soup on a cream coloured carpet,,help please

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gina32 | 18:50 Tue 03rd Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
ive spilt some soup on my carpet, anyone any ideas how to get it off please


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If white wine neutralizes red wine would mushrom soup neutralize tomato soup????

Just an idea.
No, you're screwed. Especially if you follow Abdulmajid's hairbrained suggestion.
abdul lol i was going to say chicken soup ..
gina - Try washing machine liquid in warm water.
i cant help you with your problem but I do suggest you do not bye cream colored carpet in the future
or lick it :-)~~~~
But dustypuss, there are lots of things that don't show at all if you spill it on a cream carpet ...

... like cream.
only have cream colour soup !!
get a straw and start sucking
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thanks for all your wonderful suggestions, dont know why i bothered asking!
you are welcome xx
tesco carpet cleaner works very well even when the stain is dry ( i should have told this to Monica lewinski )
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thanks dusty
Hi - how have you got on? - I use the vanish carpet upholstery cleaner and it alway worked when I had cream carpet in my hall. Hope these forums help =153623 837&referrerid=93883 070901055327AAlecI4
Get as much of it up as you can with kitchen paper , then use Vanish carpet cleaner. It is great, but you have to clean it as soon as you possibly can.
Dash out to ASDA or TESCO and get some now.

If it has already dried in, one of the carpet shampoo machines that you can hire from B&Q should take it out, but you'll have to do the whole carpet.

Good luck. Glad it's not me.
Had it been CREAM of tomato, there wouldn't be a problem.

Seriosly though, though mine was a blue carpet, I had a few really big stains on it that drove me nuts. Then I found an unused bottle of no wet wonder foam (never used it because I could never get it to foam like they did on telly) but I persevered this time, and tho it took a couple of goes, I got the stain out.

I think you can still get it - I'm sure jml advertised it once, so it might be on their website.
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many thanks for your answers, ive got a carpet shampooer and tried it so will have a look later and see

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tomato soup on a cream coloured carpet,,help please

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