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When a babies smile melts ure heart!!

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puddicat | 18:35 Wed 04th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
80 Answers
Met today the baby of the girl who does my eyebrows! cant say i am particularly taken with babies in general, but this wee honey just had to smile at me and pretend she was shy, and tugged on her beautiful dress and i just melted!!!she is only just over 3months old what a doll!!!


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It's a date!
LOL, OK 4get, who's house though (who has the most refreshments?)

Awww Hellie, that sounds cute!
We promise not to bore you with tales of being an Aunt, Lottie LOL x
lofties I reckon
LOL, better get the biccies in Lottie!
Lakitu, my fella does the same thing with my baby - when she's in the bath he comes her hair to one side (she has lots of dark hair) and makes her look like Pubert from the Addams family :-(

LMAO! Awwww, but it's cute really, is it!
does he draw a tash on though?
He makes the tash out of bubbles :-P
Lakitu, your brother may very well regret keep waking his baby boy up lol just wait til he is here and getting revenge!

When my daughter is having a restless night and keeping the whole house awake, I will look over into her moses and basket and she will give this great big beaming smile! As tired as I am I cant help but smile back and want to give her a great big cuddle.
I need to bow out of this thread, it's getting me far too excited about the birth, which is AGES away yet!!
I take it your little one is fast asleep as well natalie? Mines only just gone off after fighting it for 2 hours!!
I said exactly the same thing to him, Psychick! LOL
I did say I'd babysit. Check me out on Chatterbankers of the world I;m head babysitter
Are you free for babysitting tonight 4get?
yep where do you live?
About 3 hours from you, if you leave now you will be in time for her night feed ;)
Ok see you soon x
I'll have the bottles and nappies ready :)
Nappies are expensive! I was shocked!

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When a babies smile melts ure heart!!

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