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New camera

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PatriciaH | 23:31 Wed 04th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good simple to use idiot proof camera ? no mega buck prices please


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What's your budget and are you after a digital one?
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Up to �100 and i havent any idea which to go for ...
If you want a digital camera, have a look at this site�s sample images for various cameras.

I think the Canon and Nikon images are the best. After looking at this I bought a used Nikon Coolpix 2200 on ebay about 3 years ago for �60, and I�ve been very pleased with it. You�ll get something better for the same money now, I expect.
Argh.... sorry laptop went mad and it crashed and thought it hadn't posted so redid it all in last post.
the fuji finepix are generally considered to be about the best "budget" cameras on the market at the moment
We have the fuji finepix A920. Definately idiot proof because I can use it lol Takes great pictures too with all its different modes. We keep it on babymode so we can take pics of the little one without a flash going off.
I paid 50 something at Argos for the Kodak easyshare C713 , it is fab and so easy to use
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Thanks all... great responce ..ta
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