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Did anyone do anything bad today?

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Eve | 20:29 Fri 06th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Come on, fess up :)


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i purposley squashed a snail
yes, I was verbally disgruntled because 2 lady golfers were slow playing ahead, I think they heard me moaning about them! :O
Hi Jenna,

Yes, I did. I promised someone that I wouldn't do something, but gave in and did. I have no willpower LOL!

I don't think I did anything bad today. I've been a good girl.
i phoned in sick for work and took my boy to a large play area instead
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I did -and I cant say i'm not being a tease either -just using this as a confessional !!!

Thats better -now where have I heard that before - lol !!!
Naughty Oldgrape. I'm the staffing manager where I work and if I caught you doing that you would be disciplined! ;-) Lol
I gutted my son's bedroom when he was at school and threw out 5 black bags of stuff. Is that bad? lol

Dris - tell meeeeeeeee
ooh mycats I did that to my daughters room and she never even noticed!
lol Cazz - and yet if you threaten to do it they act like they are the most hard done by child ever
I did but I ain't putting it in here. ;-)
I too too a sick day today!

I am so bluddy fed up with work!!!!
Cat -guess -it only involved a phone -tee hee !!!
I put down some slug pellets and feel a bit guilty about it!
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Bought a pack of chocholate bars & ate one more than was mine, one of the deadly sins, gluttony :0(
arrh but my boss is my son's godson so i can occasionlly get away with a sneaky sick day lol
yes lots i am the antichrist it would appear
Hi Newsdesk

I promised not to go somewhere with someone.

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Did anyone do anything bad today?

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