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alan hansen

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bobtheturkey | 20:43 Sat 07th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
looked quite calm on the bbc there despite the terrible allegations hanging over him , the weight of evidence is so great i fear for his future


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i hope so news the strain must be terrible
did you telefax anfield news, did they mention grobbelar?
What news? Been at a Church Summer Fair all afternoon so am not aware of what's going on...
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yes i believe bruce was in southport the same weekend
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its tough for me hippy can you give me a moment i feel a bit emotional alan is a big hero of mine
take your time bob...
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cazz can you take over
I love alan and his fragileness, he was a great player and he is reduced to being pestered via myspace...sob
brb ...Ive got something in my eye...
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There's nowt so 'queer' as folk, is their IAP?
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I do not know what all the kerfuffle is about, at this rate when anyone googles him this will all explode again and there will be tears before bedtime!

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alan hansen

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