Black people with attitude on Big Brother? Last year it s was loud mouth Charlie, who blew the whole race thing out of proportion, and decided to argue with anyone better looking than her, which aint hard. this year is Alex who decided to bully a blind person for having a laugh
She has the biggest chip on her shoulder and a mouth that needs cleaning with Cillit Bang. her kids must be so proud. Why the attitude? She gives us blacks a bad name. char man innit! get the b1tch out!
People like her that makes Big Bother unwatchaeble!
Wasnt it funny though when Big Brother basically told her to keep her mouth shut when she was whining about her sore throat! Which she did by shouting?!
I agree with you all though, only a couple of days in and the race issue has already been kicked off. I dont think the other girl (sorry Im not familiar with names yet) was going to make such a big deal until Alex started.
She said Mikey was ignorant the previous night, why? What had he done/ said?
Well what a relief, I was thinking the same thing myself but didn't say so because I didn't want to seem racist which I am most definately NOT. She has a real attitude and if she goes down the Charlie of last years road then I'm afraid it will be just too tedious.
I see that bez, I felt so sorry for him, and you could see how awkward the others were feeling too. Im glad he stayed there and defended himself though.
Bomb the BB household and shoot anyone who watches it. Why? It'll rid this country of some of the lowest forms of life. I had the misfortune to see that Charley on The Weakest Link and I thought 'What is the purpose of this person?' She must be a virgin. Surely, nobody, however drunk or stupid, could lower themselves. Not even a footballer.
Watching BB is like watching a car crash, only you hope the ******** in BB die. Slowly.
(Ah, I feel better now ...............!)