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bad tenants

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fit-4-life | 09:18 Mon 09th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
i have bad tenants who have lived in my house since feb while i live in a friends box room.
what shuold i do to get council to pay me rent from there benefits & get them out of my house


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you may be better asking in law,

first step would be to take them to court for non-payment of rent if thats what youre saying.
get youself one of these, it will produce results quicker than involving the law, but there are downsides!!! ;-)

I feel you pain though!
ha vigilantes HUH ?
It is a criminal offence for a landlord to evict a tenant without a court order and you may wish to employ professional help at this stage.

The law in England and Wales regarding private sector tenancies is governed by The Housing Act 1988. If the tenant owes more than two months or eight weeks rent, then the Judge must award you a repossession order. In order to start off the repossession process, you must issue a Section 8 Housing Act 1988 notice. This gives the tenant 14 days to respond.

Failure to serve this notice correctly may delay the repossession and it is wise to consult a professional to advise you or do this for you. Your sources of advice/ assistance are your solicitor, a letting agent or via a specialised landlord service.

Once the Section 8 notice has expired and if the tenant has not paid you the rent due or moved out of your property, you may apply for a hearing at a County Court where the judge must award a repossession order if the rent remains unpaid and in arrears of over two months or eight weeks at the time of the hearing. Exceptions to this will be if the property is in disrepair or if the rent arrears is because of a delay in a Housing Benefit claim in which case you should have dealt with the Local Authority and not have applied to the court.

Having won the repossession order in court, most tenants will vacate your property as instructed. However, if they do not, you must arrange for Court Bailiffs to remove your tenant.

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