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Race For Life

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888sally888 | 23:54 Sun 08th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Yeah - I did it in 34 minutes in the hot sun this morning!!

Am sunburnt and my legs feel really tired but my dad was smiling down at me feeling pleased I am sure.


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Wel done Sally, my niece did it last week. I think her time was 35 mins.
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2 years ago i weighed stone less and did it in 28 mins!!

Has made me determined to get fit again!!
Fabby! Very well done you.

You should be proud.
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Thanks Ethel - more amazed that I made it than proud!!

It was amazing 2,500 women all running for cancer research. Big, small, tall short, young and old!!
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Thanks all. The funniest thing was I was sprinting towards the finish with loads of people lining the track, put my foot into a rabbit hole, rolled over onto my back and then up again.

I felt like such a numpty!!
well done sally
you are a great sport

your dad will be sure proud of you
as we all are


well i am of you xxxxx
Well done sally! Damn, even I feel motivated now! lol

good on ya girl. forget the sunburn, remember who you did it for. well done !!
Question Author
Thank you everyone - maybe we should have an AB group next year!!
Very well done - it was such a hot day yesterday too which can't have made it any easier.
Woo, well done sally :) Your dad certainly will have been there, proud of you as ever.

well done sally ...lucky it was a nice day as well xx

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