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The Wildhearts

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mpstewar | 14:05 Mon 09th Jun 2008 | Music
3 Answers
Hi Everyone,

A bit of a weird one this, there is a song that came out some tima ago by The Wildhearts, its very old, probably about mid 90's I would say! All I can say is that it has a bit of a Chas n Dave style bit in the middle and quite a slow ending!

I believe it was given free in one of the heavy metal magazines, but I'm sure it was also an album track

If anyone has any idea of the name of this track, I would be very greatfull! Probably one for serious fans only!



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Everlone??? Huge Wildhearts fan here...
Or possibly News of the World? Miles away Girl?

Chas and Dave? Can you be more specific???
Was it a song called 'Geordie In Wonderland?'

The chorus was:

"Oh lads, I don't understand
I'm a Geordie in Wonderland."

This came out around the same time as "I Wanna Go Where The People Go" which was mid 90's...

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The Wildhearts

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