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Marg0 | 21:56 Tue 10th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
What's the fascination? I tried it, only seem to have a small room. They want credit card info to sell me virtual items? This a joke, right?
Digital dollshouse or worthwhile entertainment?


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i thought we were going to get through this evening without somersets lovely town being mentioned, fortunately i was wrong
grown men playing with dolls houses would concern me, i had an action man called geoffrey
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did u have any accessories roberto like a single person gyrocopter or a parachute? I had amazing moving eyes.
Welll its nice .
I havent been there but the abundance of threads saying how nice it is leads me to the conclusion it must indeed be nice .

So for yeoville see niceville.
i did have a parachute but it wasnt very dependable which is a worrying fault in parachutes, i did shave his head with a razor so he looked proper "ard"
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Mine looked ard with his sly glances and felt textured head. His finger was bendy. He lacked a penis which caused me no end of concern until my first biology lesson.
mine had no nipples no private parts nothing so i spent my childhood thinking i was a mutated freak, he did have an orange jump suit like they wear in guantanamo bay
I always borrowed my brothers so he could take Barbie out on dates, and yes, do rude things with her too. I never had a Ken but Action Man was better anyway, realistic hair, eyes that moved and that manly scar on his face.
Wish I had given him a name though, poor Barbie :(
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i always suspected Ken was gay, it's all becoming clearer now.

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