Well I just this morning got a brand new lynksys wireless router and about 100hours of access cards for wireless hotspot use all round the country delivered to my door, I didn't ask for them and wasn't expecting them, just a company I deal with sent them to me.
Well i got a free i hour trip on trikes last weekend which i invited rabbitygirl and her hubby to join me on.
Was great fun seeing the island on one of them.
really enjoyed myself
Well it wasnt in the post, but when me and a mate went out one night it was WKD promotional night and we were given bucket after bucket of free WKDs.... blo0dy great night i tell thee.... (and people wonder why we're a country full of binge drinkers....)
In the post.... erm...free nappies for my daughter....?
tickets for 4 days at nice hotel in france for me and MR CRX and full hospitality at Le Mans for 24 hour races! :) Did spend half a million with company though.
Not in the post but it was given to me by a rep at the shop where my husband repairs guitars - Fender (guitar) tin lunch box with guitar strings, guitar strap,and other guitar related bits and bobs, the tin looks like an amplifier. Limited edition so I'll wait a few years and put it on ebay.
I've had some of those credit card mints forget, very handy.